:: Facilities for String Players ::
of the instruments, accessories, etc, which I provide for string
players are supplied at reduced prices compared with the normal
RRP. Please contact me for a quotation.
Student Instruments
I offer a selection of imported violins, violas and cellos all
of which are professionally set-up in my workshop for ease of
Prices range from approximately £150 for a beginners violin
to £400 - £500 for a better quality violin which would include
the fitting of Dominant strings and a Wittner adjustable tail
More mature instruments are also available.
I maintain a stock of Dominant violin strings, and can supply
strings for violins, violas, 'cellos and basses produced by Larsen,
Pirastro, Jargar, the Thomastic range (Dominant etc), Astrea,
Corelli and D'Addario. Strings are also available by mail order.
Normal delivery is within two working days. Prices on request.
Bow Rehairs
I use the best white horse-hair supplied to me by Michael T
Sowden, who produces what is probably the finest dressed hair
in the UK.
Please ring me for a competitively priced quotation.
Hiscox Cases
Hiscox Cases have increased price levels by a very modest amount
in recent years, ensuring that they supply their high quality
cases at very competitive rates.
Hiscox Liteflite cases are manufactured using a unique composite
double moulded construction, giving unparalleled protection for
your instrument from a lightweight case.
A full catalogue and a quotation is available on request, or
you can see samples in my workshop.
I also offer a range of alternative cases.
Instrument Repairs and Restoration
I continue to provide a professional service for the fitting
of bridges, soundposts, pegs etc, and any other repairs required
by my private customers, alongside the restoration work I receive
from prominent midlands-based violin dealers.
I will also, free and without obligation, examine instruments
with a view to identifying areas where work is appropriate, and,
much more important - where it is not!
New Bows to Order
From as little as £20. Specific quotations within a given price
range are available on request.
Repairs to Bows
Bow tips, frog parts, re-lapping etc.
Shoulder and chin rests, Wittner tailpieces, mutes, rosin etc.
Sheet Music
For your sheet music requirements, including tutor books, examination
pieces, scales, sightreading and theory workbooks, I recommend
that you contact Margaret Friar at:
Perton Music Supplies
42 Reynolds Grove,
Wolverhampton, WV6 7NY
United Kingdom
tel: 01902 758672 & 07799 245987